GRCA Rules and Regulations as of 4/22/2021
The following is a list of the rules and regulations for the Golden Ridge Condominium Association as contained in the Condominium Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and other regulations adopted by the Board of Managers.
A. Parking / Vehicles / Bicycles
Each condominium unit has a reserved parking space or spaces, as designated in the Condominium Declaration. Residents must park in their reserved spaces, or in designated visitor parking areas.
All vehicles must be properly parked within the painted stripes of the designated space.
Bicycles may be chained only at designated places on the common area. Bicycles may be stored on balconies but may not extend over the railings.
Except in case of Emergencies, vehicle repairs may not be undertaken in the parking lot areas. Residents must check with the Property Manager for a location to perform limited vehicle repair / maintenance work.
Campers, trailers, boats, recreational vehicles, shall not be stored or parked on the common elements, nor shall they be parked on any common driveway except while engaged in transportation to or from a building’ this includes the reserved parking spaces that are limited common elements (Declaration Section 34 (h)). They may, however, be stored or parked in designated parking areas provided by the GRCA.
Mobile storage units and vehicles used as storage units may not be parked in the parking lots or on grounds except on a temporary basis, arranged with the Office or Property Manager. Vehicles not in compliance are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense.
Unlicensed, abandoned, or inoperable automobiles or vehicles of any kind shall not be stored or parked on any portion of the GRCA grounds without making prior arrangements with the on-site Property Manager.
Speed limit (10 MPH in parking lots), stops signs, and other posted signs shall be strictly observed. Failure to observe these rules may be assessed a fine for rules violation.
Vehicles shall not be parked in fire lanes, within 15 feet of tire hydrants, in snow removal areas during winter months, or in other “NO PARKING” areas, except for short-term loading or unloading.
Vehicles must fit cleanly between the white lines painted for each parking space. Likewise, vehicles must fit within 7’6” x 22’ in dimension and be no taller than 8’ in height. Vehicles that exceed this size may be subject to being towed at owner’s expense.
Residents/Owners at GRCA must register their vehicles with the front office which includes providing information on make, model, registration and current license plate number. All license plates must have un-expired plate tags visible. Failure to register a vehicle at GRCA may result in such vehicles being towed at owner’s expense.
Residents/Owners at GRCA are allowed a maximum of 2 vehicles for 1 bedroom unit, 3 vehicles for 2-bedroom unit and 4 vehicles for 3-bedroom unit. Commercial/work purposed vehicles are permitted as long as they are a primary means of transport, are registered with the front office and comply with the number and size of vehicles allowed per unit.
Vehicles parked in visitor spots are intended to be temporary in nature and must be moved at least once per week. Failure to comply with the maximum allowable number of vehicles, registering each vehicle with the front office, or moving from visitor spots on a regular basis may result in such vehicles being towed at owner’s expense.
The GRCA will provide a sticker for each registered vehicle. This sticker should be placed in the front window (lower driver side) so it is visible to GRCA staff. Guest parking in th visitor spaces intending to stay on GRCA property for longer than 2 nights must obtain a placard and register with the front desk.
Designated parking areas may be provided to Residents/Owners by the GRCA in a specified parking area, for campers, trailers, boats, recreational vehicles on a lottery basis each year as they come available. Utilizing such space may be subject to a fee and modified rules on size/type limitations. The GRCA assumes no responsibility for the liability of these vehicles.
B. Pets
Every owner of a pet shall maintain strict control over his or her pet and shall prevent the pet from making loud, disturbing noises or any other behavior reasonably considered to be annoying to other residents. (Declaration 34 (c.)).
All pets must be either carried or kept on a leash on the GRCA grounds, within the common areas of the buildings, and on the elevators.
Pets must not be tethered, or unattended, anywhere on the GRCA property.
Pet owners are responsible for picking up and properly disposing of their pet’s excrement in the green containers surrounding the property. Residents will be held accountable for any damage of any kind caused by their pets and or pets of their guests.
Fines may be assessed for violation of rules regarding pets after 2 warnings from the GRCA or Property Manager.
C. Clubhouse, Pool, Off Leash Dog Run
Residents must register at the Clubhouse office before using the Clubhouse facilities for the first time. Appropriate identification may be required.
To use the Clubhouse facilities, guests must be accompanied by the owner of a registered resident of a GRCA unit.
Children who are 16 years of age or older are permitted in the Clubhouse unsupervised. Children under the age of 14 years of age are permitted in the Clubhouse only if accompanied and Additional age requirement, as posted, apply to specific within Clubhouse.
Shirt and shoes must be worn while in all areas of the Clubhouse except for in the pool and sauna.
Clubhouse guests are not permitted to generate loud or disturbing music. Personal electronic audio devices are permitted.
Glass contains or other glass items are not allowed anywhere in the pool area or saunas.
Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed in the Clubhouse or other common areas by any person under the age of 21 years. Valid and proper identification must be presented when requested by the GRCA any person from the Clubhouse or other general common area if, in their judgment, the person is disorderly and interfering with the peaceful activities of others. The Golden Police may be notified about the incident.
Violation of the Clubhouse rules and regulations may result in the expulsion from, and no further access to, the Clubhouse for a specified period of time to be determined by the Office Manager or the Property Manager. Appeals can be made to the Board of Managers.
Smoking is not permitted within 25ft of the Clubhouse property, any building entrance or in the common areas of the residential buildings. (In line with current Colorado state law)
Ball, Frisbee, and other toys that are small or hard enough to cause injury to people or damage to the facilities are prohibited in the Clubhouse, including the pool area.
Rough or dangerous play, excessive splashing, squirt guns, or running is not permitted in the Clubhouse.
The Clubhouse swimming pool and hot tub are restricted to use by persons age 16 or older after 9pm. In the summer (when outdoor pool is open) and after 8pm in the winter (when the outdoor pool is closed).
Owners or residents may reserve the downstairs party room in the Clubhouse for functions or parties. A party consists of 7 or more guests of an owner or residents of a condominium unit. Any resident who desires to have a party in the Clubhouse must pay a deposit of $250 and comply with the terms and conditions of the Party Room usage contract. Parties or functions with more than 50 guests anticipated must gain approval from the Board of Managers.
Residents and owners of Golden Ridge may bring up to 4 guests per unit to use the Clubhouse and other recreational facilities. The resident of owner must accompany the guests and be present whenever they are using the facilities. Residents of owners under 18 years of age may bring a maximum of 2 guests per unit.
The GRCA Off-Leash Dog run, please pick up after your dog. The entrance date is padlocked for privacy, do not give out the combination. Keep the entrance gate closed and locked when leaving. Per the City of Golden Ordinance and GRCA Regulation, all dogs must be leashed upon leaving the dog run.
D. Other Rules and Regulations
Smoking is not permitted in the interior common elements, or areas including but not limited to: hallways, laundry rooms, elevators, stairways, etc.
No structure of a temporary character, trailer, tent, shack, barn, or other outbuilding shall be used or permitted to be kept or stored on any portion of the grounds. (Declaration Section 34 (a)).
No unsightly objects or nuisances shall be erected, placed, or permitted to remain on the projects. Advertising signs of any sort must be approved for posting at specified locations by the Property Manager or the Office Manager activating on behalf of the Board of Managers. (Declaration Section 34 (d)).
No business activities of any kind shall be conducted in any building or in any portion of the project except those permitted by law and with the prior permission of the Board of Managers. (Declaration Section 34 (d)).
Resident owners or tenants who have home businesses must seek approval from the Board of Managers to insurance that the business does not interfere with the peaceful use of the grounds and facilities by other residents.
5. No immoral, improper, offensive, or unlawful use shall be permitted or made of the Condominium project of any part thereof. All valid laws, ordinances, and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction shall be observed. (Declaration Section 34 (f)).
6. No exterior additions to, alterations of, or decoration of any building, nor changers in fences, hedges, walls and other structure shall be commenced, erected, or maintained without the prior written approval of the Board of Managers. (Declaration Section 34(g)).
7. No new exterior television, radio, or other antennas or aerials are allowed on any portion of the common elements or the project without the prior written approval of the Board of Managers. (Declaration Section 34(k)).
Expect that satellite dishes, or such technology are allowed to be clamped to balconies or mounted on free standing supports. No such installations on walls or roofs are allowed.
8. The owner of a unit is responsible for damage or waste to any of the common elements caused by the owner’s family, guests, or tenants (Declaration Section 34 (j)).
9. The owner of a condominium unit has the right to lease his/her unit under the following conditions: (Declaration Section 34 (I))
a. No owner may lease less than his or her entire condominium unit.
b. All leases shall be in writing.
c. All leases must provide that the terms of the lease and lessees’s (renter’s) occupancy of the unit shall be subject to the provisions of the Condominium Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, the bylaws of the Association, and the Rules and Regulations adopted by the Board of Managers. Any failure of the lessee (renter) to comply with these provisions shall be default under the lease.
d. Except for a first mortgagee in possession of a condominium unit following the default under its mortgage or in connection with foreclosure procedures by such first mortgagee, no owner may lease his condominium for transient or hotel purposes - definite as lease period of less than 30 days OR tenants who live in a unit for less than 30 days under an umbrella lease granted to a third party.
10. The owners of a condominium unit must maintain and keep in repair the interior of his or her unit, including fixtures and utilities, to the extent repair is necessary to avoid damaging other units or common elements. The owner shall not do any work that will impair the structural soundness of the building or proper function or utility facilities (ex. Pipes, wires, or systems). Or heating, electrical, and plumbing fixtures. (Declaration Section 17 (a)).
11. Only licensed and insured contractors are allowed to conduct any types of renovations on GRCA units (ex. Plumbers, electricians, heating, construction, etc.) Please provide the GRCA office with the necessary information prior to any work scheduled. GRCA can supply you a list of current qualified/approved vendors for the residents to contact for work.
12. An owner/resident cannot remorse alter or modify the location and size of any perimeter wall of their unit/patio.
13. Per Fire Marshal code, no items are to be placed or stored in the hallways or under stairwells. Repeat violations after a warning will be subject to GRCA fines.
14. An owner must always keep the balcony, porch, or patio adjoining and appertaining to the unit and other limited common elements (ex. Parking space) in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition. (Declaration Section 17 (a)).
15. Every owner must perform promptly, at his/her own expense, all maintenance and repair work within their own condominium unit that, if omitted, would affect the appearance or aesthetic integrity of part of or all of the project. All repairs of interior installations of the units, such as:water, light, gas, power, sewage, telephone, doors, windows, electrical fixtures, xone valves, thermostats, and other accessories equipment, and fixtures shall be at the owner’s expense. (Bylaws Article X (4)).
16. Balconies and patios cannot be used as general storage areas and should be kept tidy so as not to defer from the general decor of the buildings. Indoor furniture is not allowed. Residents may be asked to remove items that are offensive to others.
17. Move-in and move -out times are restricted to the hours of 8:00am MST to 9:00pm MST. Voices and music are to be kept at a quiet level after 10:00pm MST. Construction projects/ renovations that are loud enough to disturb neighboring units are to be restricted to the hours from 8:00am MST to 6:00pm MST.
18. Outside doors and interior fire doors of the residential buildings are to be kept closed.
19. No nuisance shall be allowed on the project, nor any use or practice which is the source of annoyance to residents, or which interferes with the peaceful enjoyment or possession and proper use of the project by its residents. (Declaration Section 34 (e)).
20. Trash/Recycling is to be disposed of in the designated dumpster containers located near the buildings, or in recycle containers situated at the back of the Maintenance shop. Trash and recyclables may not be left in the hallways or on any other common element. (Trash requiring special disposal methods, such as paint, chemicals, etc. must be properly disposed of elsewhere off GRCA property). Large furniture or other items not listed, please contact the GRCA office for disposal or to open gates.
21. Subject to provisions in Rule 3 under Section C. Clubhouse, Pool and Tennis Court Rules, children under 8 years of age must be under adult supervision whenever of the common element. Adult supervision shall be defined as a person, age 16 years or older, being present with the child within common areas and being in control of the child.
22. Camping, including but not limited to sleeping in vehicles, shall not be permitted on the project.
23. BB guns, pellet guns, arrows or other weapons are prohibited from being used or discharged on the common elements.
24. Each owner shall register their mailing address, email and phone number with the Association office.
25. Loitering in the common areas of the residential buildings is not permitted.
26. Wading, boating, fishing, swimming or walking on the ice in the pond is prohibited.
27. Feeding, chasing, hunting, or otherwise disturbing the geese, ducks or other wildlife is prohibited.
28. Children under the age 18 years are prohibited from loitering, congregating, or being on any common areas between the pairs of 10;00 pm MST and 6:00am MST.
29. Climbing trees or climbing/sitting on balcony railings is prohibited.
30. Lockboxes are not permitted on any entry or common area railing on the GRCA grounds. Lock-boxes may be hung on individual unit doorknobs
E. Enforcement and Penalties
Violations of the Rules and Regulations of the Golden Ridge Condominium Association are subject to enforcement procedures adopted by the Board of Managers.
The Board of Managers shall make all final decisions regarding violations and enforcement.
If a complaint is report to the GRCA Management alleging a violation of the GRCA Rules and Regulations or Covenants, the following procedures shall be followed by the GRCA Management personnel and the GRCA Board of Managers:
Management personnel may, but are not required to, administer no more than two verbal warnings to the owner or tenant who is the subject of the complaint. Any verbal warning shall be documented detailing the date, time and to whom the verbal warning was given. This documentation shall be kept on file in the GRCA Main Office.
GRCA Management personnel are authorized to prepare and deliver to any person believed to have violated any GRCA rule, regulation, or covenant, a written notice of violation in accordance with the GRCA Enforcement Policy dated December 7th, 2009. GRCA Management personnel, a GRCA Employee or Board Member must witness a rule violation taking place for written notice and accompanying fine assessment to occur, with the exception being if the offending party confesses to the rule violation. Any complaint of a rule violation lodged by one homeowner or tenant against another homeowner or tenant with the GRCA Main Office will be addressed as a verbal warning with no associated fine attached to issued independently of a verbal warning has previously been given.
Penalties may be assessed for violations of the Rules and Regulations as follows:
A) First violation $100.00
B) Second violation of the same rules or regulation $250.00
C) Third and subsequent violation $500.00
4. The GRCA shall follow the procedures stated in the Enforcement Policy, dated December 7th, 2009, for notices, hearings, fines and other enforcement action.
5. Any penalty assessed against an owner for a rules violation that remains unpaid for more than 30 days may result in a warning letter being sent to the owner of the unit conveying that the Board of managers will place a lien may be placed on the condominium unit and shall be recorded in the same manner as any lien for non-payment of common expenses, as provided in Section 24 of the condominium Declaration.
6. The Board of Managers may take such other legal action for rules violations that it deems necessary, including the filling of a lawsuit, to collect any fines that remain unpaid after 60 days, or to obtain injunctive relief.