2021 - 2022 Annual Project Manager Report

Reserve Number Updates

                I have been establishing relationships with contractors over these past 2 years, as well as collecting numerous proposals to update the expenses on the major items that are required for GRCA to maintain and upgrade. With those findings, I worked with LCM Property Management and members of the Board to update the replacement costs associated with those items to reflect a more current budget for us to use when saving and scheduling for those repairs/replacements/etc. It was a large project but will provide us with a better picture for forecasting expenses.

Boiler Maintenance Program

Established a semi-annual maintenance program to coincide with the maintenance staff’s regular care to keep a licensed outside company to add additional care and services that can not be provided by our normal staff. With the boilers mostly past their prime, we felt that this will assist in prolonging the life of the boilers we have as we move towards replacements.

New Boilers

With the Assistance of Climate Engineering, we have established a plan to replace our existing boiler systems according to their recommendations of highest priority levels first. Using this List, we have purchased new boilers to be installed into 1250 Golden Circle in October of this year. The parts from this building’s boilers will be repurposed to rebuild the boilers in 1200 Golden Circle as they currently share the same models of boilers. This is in hopes to gain more lifespan for those boilers and push the new boiler purchase for that building out for a longer time period.

Boilers Repairs

Was able to purchase expansion tanks, water storage tanks and sub out the installation to avoid going through the boiler company for non-licensing repairs. We were able to replace the leaky and troubled units with new tanks. Utilizing my contractor status and Millusos’ plumbing knowledge, we were able to get these items replaced at a fraction of the costs.

Savings on Expansion Tanks = $5,560.00 and saving on the water storage tanks = $14,600.00

Building Foundations/Crawl Space Reports

We hired Martin/Martin (structural engineering firm) to analyze all of the residential buildings throughout GRCA and prioritize them with the highest to lowest priority for repairs. Along with theirs’ and my recommendations, we will begin working on those repairs this Winter. Nothing was found in the buildings that was of any alarm. The highest of priority items were said to be able to be completed by the end of 2023, with the Middle to Low priority level items to be completed by 2025 and 2027 respectively. The total costs for these repairs will average $250.000 total with fluctuations of material costs at the times of repairs. Those listed repairs would include stabilizing joists, blocking, joist hangers, shoring up areas, etc.

Savings of $33,000 form the other proposals and locked in a cap since we have to phase the work out over many months and multiple visits from the contractors

Individual Building Repairs

We became aware of 2 large projects where repairs were needed on the exterior foundation walls that were creating some walls to slowly move inward. We also had some smaller projects in a couple of other buildings as well. A construction crew was hired to come out to add tie backs to hold the walls in place, reframed the exterior walls, repair joists, blocking, gypcrete, etc. to establish a better foundation for those buildings. The 2 large projects were very extensive and time consuming. We were able to save an extensive amount of money by subcontracting items out, doing some of the work needed with after hours maintenance crew, myself doing labor and me purchasing some of the materials for the job requirements.

Savings of approx. $41,000 from subbing out some of the work to different contractors, purchasing materials and supplies myself, and overseeing the onsite crews as a part-time Supervisor.

Parking Lots

Recently we patched more potholes in the parking lots and created a safer platform for everyone to drive and walk. With this, we added a full parking lot sweeping and striping project to reestablish everyone’s parking spots and safety zones. We hope that this will assist the residents in having their personal spots open to them with new lines and numbers. With the costs associated with tearing out and repaving the entire complex, we believed that this was the best alternative until we get the budget established.

Parking Lots and Building Lights

I purchased new LED building lights for the entire complex to add extra safety and security around the buildings and parking lots. With the increased crime and vagrants that moved into Golden and the surrounding areas, I wanted everyone to feel safe when going out at night.

Savings of $2,325.00

Pond Fountain

A big part of the pond and water clarity is the new fountain in the pond. Its main purpose was to aerate the water to assist with keeping the algae growth down and add clarity to the water. With the fountain, we added a small light package to add to the looks of the pond in the evening. Along with the weekly aquatic solution additives, we were able to finally see a large improvement in the water quality. It has been a constant battle with the geese habituating and adding to the muck.

Savings of $1,000


We have been very diligent on keeping up with the sidewalks to eliminate any trip hazards throughout the complex. With that we completely changed out to get new sections, leveled some areas were possible, manually ground down a lot of sections all dependent on locations and costs at the time. We have a few areas still remaining to replace once we can get cement in as only the large contractors are able to buy cement at this time.

Saved thousands on not replacing numerous sections

Water Main Breaks

We have had about 4 water main breaks, mostly happening since April of this year. The pipes on our property are owned by GRCA. The city is currently working with us to provide a solution to assist with this problem to eliminate having to shut down the entire community when there is a break. This month they will be installing a new fire hydrant in the parking lot of building 6 due to a major pipe break that I found that has been going on for quite a while and draining into the field between buildings 3 and 6. The biggest part of the project will take place in front of the gym and run down to Heritage Rd. This will add a new pipeline from the city water to feed our complex and allow for half of the community to remain having water. If and when there is a future break, the city is paying for this and all future repairs to this section of pipeline being installed.

Garbage Company Change

We once again changed service providers due to a decline in service provided. We struggled for months as they were having employment issues which was seen in our service. With the new company, we hope that they can keep their promises of continued, proper service.

Exterior Railings

We had some custom railings made and installed at different buildings due to rust and damage to eliminate any safety hazards. This will be an ongoing item on an as per needed basis and they are being viewed on a regular basis as part of my walk-through evaluations.

Fire Safety Systems

We put all of the fire safety services all under one contractor. Previously we had 2 different providers and the contracts overlapped and was difficult to create one. This past year, we have it under one umbrella for the fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and monitoring which saved us some money. With that they installed some updated monitoring boxes in the buildings for us at no cost.

Tree Services

GRCA had problems with a couple of insects destroying our trees this year. Emarld Ash Borer and Beetles were causing a lot of trees to start dying. We had soil injections done to save the trees as much as possible. We treated over 80 trees within the community, byt had some that were beyond saving. With the late snow fall, we also had a lot of downed trees and branches that were handled as well. My plan is to have a maintenance plan in place and also add additional trees to replace those that are lost.

Savings of $7,615 from other providers

Carpet Cleaning Building Hallways

We had budgeted for all the hallways and common areas to have carpet cleaning services done for $8,278. I decided that most of the hallways looked good and mapped out a spot cleaning plan to be completed. They came out September and early October. Cost for spot cleaning was $2,605. Which allows us to put $5,673 towards higher priority items needed.

Savings of $5,673

Floor Mats

GRCA had Cintas for our rugs in all of the buildings. They came once a month to change out the rugs and replace with clean rugs. They were increasing the costs of the contract that does not end until 2025. I purchased new interior and exterior rugs to handle ourselves and reduced the contract to meet minimal requirements until the end of the contract. My goal is to save the money used on that service to use on other items.

Previous: $9,742.32/yr

New increase: $11,548.32/yr

Cost of Mats: $2,642.52

Cost savings first year = $7,165.80, cost savings second year = $9,808.32. After January of 2025 = $11,548.32

Comcast Internet Services

I was able to renegotiate our contract with Comcast to increase speeds, comer more areas, upgrade equipment for the next 3 years all while providing a cost savings for GRCA

Savings for the contract period = $6,529.68

Xcel Lighting Program

I spent a lot of time to get forms filled out and phone conversations to provide GRCA and its residents with FREE LED light bulb replacements in all the common areas as well as their individual condominium units. Flyers were put up for everyone to sign up for the FREE service. Completed in July, they were able to change out 142 light bulbs for GRCA with an estimated yearly savings of $704 from just those bulbs alone. Due to the lengthy process from Xcel, we had already changed out a lot as needed when doing normal maintenance. As for the residents, I was disappointed with the turnout of responses, we only had about a dozen residents that am aware of through their report that actual utilized the FREE service. They changed out a total of 93 light bulbs.

Savings of $704/year at least, plus the resident’s savings


Exterior Masonry/Brick Repairs

I am scheduling for some of the brick facade to be repaired and waiting for a proposal for a large project at building 2.

Exterior Stucco Repairs

Also scheduling some areas of stucco in the complex that is slowly peeling off of the buildings that require attention. I have been spreading the repairs out according to the priority levels of the repairs needed for budgetary purposes.


With the storms and bugs that ruined some of our landscaping, I am working on planting some new landscaping and trees this Fall to replace those that we have lost.

Sprinkler System

The old system has been struggling with many repairs throughout the years and it is time to get the system upgraded and new lines, heads, etc installed. This would assist with wasted time with repairs, added expenses that keep rising due to the age of the current system, and make the watering more efficient which should save us on water bills and conservation of water at the same time. Hopes are to begin before Spring of 2023. We also had Resource Central come due a FREE sprinkler evaluation at the end of August to assist with determining where we could better conserve water, etc. We plan to use their findings to map out a better sprinkler system.

Clubhouse A/C Units

A/C has been out for many years and will be on the agenda for Spring of 2023.

Pool Deck Replacement

Plans were in place to replace the pool decking this past Summer but got put on hold due to the New Boiler this year and future work on the Crawlspaces, Hopes are to reevaluate for Spring 2023. 


Garage Doors

Researching the prospective ideas of adding garage doors to the pool area and the gym buildings as part of a remodeling project.


Property Manager Report 2023


Property Manager Report 2021